Host Site Information
The Washing consists of two endeavors – the open declaration of the bible through reading, and continuous prayer and intercession. This activity takes about 80 – 84 hours of non-stop reading and praying. The event is divided into segments of 2 hours called ‘sessions’, so there will be about 42 sessions during the event. Each session will have 3 – 8 participants for the 2-hour duration. While one reads for 15 to 20 minutes, the others pray using suggested topics for their session. When the reader has completed 15 to 20 minutes of reading, the next person starts to read, picking up where they left off. The previous reader then joins the others in prayer. In this fashion, each participant gets the chance to read and pray.
After the session is over, the next scheduled group will begin their session and continue the cover-to-cover reading of the bible and prayer. There is no ‘minimum’ amount of reading – the first reader of the first session starts at Genesis 2:1 (Genesis 1 is read corporately during the initial Rally) and simply progresses from reader to reader, session to session, until Revelation is completed some 80+ hours later. While this will take place at a single location (site), multiple sites may conduct The Washing simultaneously.
Items Needed
Here is some information for those churches or organizations that are considering hosting a venue for The Washing. Please note that the items listed below would need to be available/accessible for the duration of the event. Some items can be provided by The Washing if unavailable from the venue (i.e. a canopy for the covered area, snacks, etc).
- Covered, Lighted Outdoor Area for Reading
- Area for Prayer – preferably indoors near the reading area
- Electricity – additional lighting, a small heater, and/or soft background music may be needed. No voice amplification will be used.
- Snacks, coffee, and refreshments during the event
- Restroom Access
- Podium for Outdoor Area
- Parking near the Reading Area
Opportunities for Volunteers
We are asking the host site to also provide a Site Director and Watch Leaders as described below. Again, The Washing can facilitate these if needed.
Site Director
To administrate and oversee The Washing at a particular venue
- Work closely with the Executive Director and with local church pastor/leadership
- Promote The Washing to the host church and surrounding churches/ministries
- Work with each church/ministry’s Coordinator to encourage/invite all needed participants
- Oversee event and assist with Watch Leaders while at the event
Watch Leader
To ensure the event runs smoothly and safely during their 6-hour timeslot. Multiple Watch Leaders will be needed to cover the entire event.
- Work closely with the Site Director and other leadership of the event
- Assist in providing smooth transitions from one session to the next
- Answer questions from the participating group and/or anyone who stops by
- Provide escort service between the reading/prayer areas and parking locations as needed