The Washing 2024
May 31 - June 4, 2024
Opening Ceremony 6:30 PM May 31
Living Hope Church
918 E Garland Ave
Spokane, WA 99207
What is the Washing?
The vision of The Washing is “to unleash the power of prayer and the declared Word of God to foster a culture of transformational revival in our cities, states, and nation.”
The Washing is a continuous, 90 hour prayer and bible reading marathon. Churches, church groups (such as a prayer team or home group), and ministries from all over a city will reserve at least one Session - a two-hour time slot - during which 3 to 8 participants will proclaim the Word of God by reading scriptures out loud in consecutive order. While one person is reading out loud, the others will pray. After approximately 15 minutes, the reader will pass the baton to the next reader (who continues where the other left off) and join the prayer group. In this fashion, reading and prayer will arise continuously for nearly four days! This prayer and declaration of the Word will be a testimony of the lordship of Jesus over the city and a cry from the Bride to the Bridegroom to wash and cleanse her.

When and where will it be?
The Washing will begin on Friday, May 31, at 6:30 pm with an opening rally. The first 2-hour session of reading and praying will begin at 8:00 pm. Sessions are reserved online (click to sign up here). The event will conclude at 8 AM, Tuesday, June 4. The Washing will be held at:
Living Hope Church
918 E Garland Ave
Spokane, WA 99207
Cross Street - North Nevada